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KIC Ventures

Creative Director: The passionate team
When I became Creative Director, I inherited an extremely talented team that, for the most part, had talent that was yet to be tapped. Once I earned their trust and they knew I was there to help develop their talents and produce the best work they can, the creative energy ignited.

Rebrand: The future is looking healthy & bright.
The new logo represents a transition from that past to a move towards a bolder more refined future. This once product development-focused company had given birth to a new surgical philosophy "Less Exposure Surgery" forged from the years of innovations in product design.

Online: Often the first experience with the brand.
A digital experience that truly feels, not just looks like the brand is a powerful customer touchpoint.

Marketing Materials: In with the new. Out with the old.
Everything had to be updated with the new branding and it was a huge endeavor. The team's rebrand collaboration made everyone feel like owners. Updating all the materials became welcoming work.

Craft Tuning: Higher quality creative.
You must allow your team to improve their craft. Timelines may not always allow, but it is essential to use some projects for craft tuning. Our videography team was given the best equipment and time to produce a piece that represented the mood of the cadaver labs became a key resource for the sales team.

Presenting Creative: Through the journey.
Presenting the team's conceptual work to company stakeholders is just as important as the final materials. Much less focus on production quality and details, but an intense focus on capturing and communicating the direction. Everyone enjoyed sharing the exploration process with their company leaders.
Interesting Fact: Did you know that the spinal cord has a memory for pain? It's called "pain memory" or "pain facilitation," where the spinal cord can become more sensitive to pain signals over time, amplifying the sensation of pain.
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